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Jesus told him, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!” (John 5:8)

Walkto advance or move forward.

The man mentioned in John 5:8 was lying by the pool for 38 years and he blamed people for not helping him to move further along in life. Jesus commanded the man to take up his mat of excuses and walk. Walk means to move on and implies progress.

Beloved, nothing should cause us to remain stagnant, or hinder our walk with God, so let us get rid of things that will trip us up. Walk out of doubt, walk away from negative situation,so we can walk into the blessings of God.


We should walk in purity, as “children of light.” Eph 5:8.

We should walk in sincerity. 2 Cor 4:2.

We should walk in obedience. 3 John 3

We should walk in truth. 3 John 4

We are to walk in faith. 2 Cor 5:7

 We are to walk honestly. Rom 13:13.

 We are to walk circumspectly. Eph. 5:16

We are to walk wisely. Col 4:5- 6.

We are to walk lovingly. Eph. 5:2

In spite of opposition and obstacles, step by step and day by day, we will walk to our destinies.